If you think you need a rheumatologist- you must read this!
Palm Beach Illustrated Top Doctor 2022
Top 5 things you should know before your appointment with a rheumatologist?
10 Things you should know about COVID-19 vaccine if you have rheumatoid arthritis.
COVID-19 Clinical Guidance for Adult Patients with Rheumatic Diseases
COVID19: Here is what you need to know from a neurologist!
COVID19 causes purple toes!
How to Maintain Connections with Colleagues, Staff & Patients During a Pandemic
COVID-19 updates from Palm beach rheumatology and wellness center
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Psoriasis and Psoriatic arthritis
'The Rheumatologist'
Wellness in rheumatology- The power of Mind-Body connection
Can I use Medical Marijuana for my arthritis pain??
Autoimmune diseases in women
Osteoporosis- ‘The silent disease’
Rheumatoid – ‘Arthritis or disease?’
‘Rise and shine and give God the glory’
Story of “Fa Mulan’
It’s not just ‘wear and tear’